Announcing Breakthrough Concept of Mid Year ResolutionsSo, everyone has heard of New Year's Resolutions, right? Did you make any this year? Were you able to stick with them, after the excitement and newness of the new year faded away? Or, are you like over 50% Americans, who have fallen off the goal-setting train after the first, second or third stop of life? Have you ever stopped to think of why we only make resolutions the first of every year? Why don't we make them in March or October? OR better yet why not on July 1st, when we are only half way through the year and have six months left to board that achievement train again and change your life forever? I am sure you are asking yourself right now, how do I make resolutions that stick? First off, your resolutions must be simple, specific and to the point. The goal should fill a need that you have not been able to fill this year. Sit back and think about it: do you have a need to improve a certain relationship? Drop a certain amount of weight by the end of the year for your health? Or do you need to make an extra amount of money in order to pay your bills? You must make the goal REAL to you by allowing it to feel a desired need. This adds meaning and a motivation for achieving your goal, that you might not otherwise have. Now, do not create one broad resolution that covers multiple areas of your life. As mentioned earlier, resolutions should be short, simple, to the point. For example instead of creating a goal to just lose weight, make the goal more specific by saying, "I want to lose 10lbs by Thanksgiving". The goal above states a specific date, to which you would like to achieve your goal by. It also quantifies it by stating a number as to how MUCH weight you would like to lose. The more specific you can be with your goals, the more focused and attainable they will become. Next, allow yourself to attach emotion to each of your goals/resolutions. Emotion tends to be what drives us as humans to do what we do every day. It is what drives us to take action. or even not to take action. Each goal must carry an emotional feeling deep down inside of you that makes you want to create a change in your life. Now, with heartfelt passion, take your pen and paper and write down emotions that you feel with each goal/resolution. This step may be painful or even saddening, it may bring up feelings of fear or anger, but ALL of these emotions are fine and natural. The more emotion you can dig up, the more likely you will be to stick to that goal/resolution. Remember emotions drive you to do what you do. or don't do! Now that you have found a need and attached emotion to it, you must find that burning desire to make the change. Why do you want to change? How will you feel when we have changed? How will you feel about yourself when you drop that 10lbs by Thanksgiving? Just think of all the compliments you will receive and how fantastic you will look in that new outfit as you strut your stuff at the Christmas Party. Or imagine how you will feel when you start to earn that extra income each month. Let your mind soar and imagine what you can use that extra income on or for! Thirdly, find an alternative for your previous actions. For example, if you need to lose 10lbs because you come home and sit in front of the TV every night and eat chips and queso, than you need to find a replacement action for your evenings. You might opt to go for a walk when you feel like pulling that bag of chips out of the pantry, or grab a big glass of water from the fridge. Or find something that you enjoy doing that will occupy your time, so that the bad habits do not creep back in. Lastly, consistency is key. It is said that it takes 21 days to form a habit. We must be consistent with our actions, desires, and goals. You must pledge to do whatever it takes to make the change. You must decide to change, no matter what, and it must come from you and no one else. Yes, life gets hard and schedules get rearranged, but do not forget those emotions that you attached to your goals. When things get rough and you do not FEEL like taking the actions necessary to achieve your goals, be sure to keep these emotions fresh. If necessary, sit down for five minutes and envision how you would feel and what the end state of your goal looks like, feels like, and yes, even tastes like! These feelings must be so much stronger than any other outside distraction. Now GO, get off your chair and go take the action steps neccessary to make it all happen! You know you can do this, dig down deep and believe in yourself. You are powerful, strong and mentally tough. Make it all happen TODAY by setting those Mid Year Resolutions NOW!. Alissa and Jeremy Nelms created Mid Year Resolutions, designed to help millions of people increase their monthly income, improve their relationships and gain the body of their dreams. The FREE teleseminar series provides over 20 hours of transformational information you can use to finally achieve your goals. Create lifelong, effective results and change your appearance, income, and relationships at Retirement Think Outside The Box Take The Time To Look Up - Think outside the box. Optimism vs Pessimism Power and Locus of Control Belongs to the Optimist - Optimists have hope and they believe in something better. Making Halloween Parties Fun for Kids - Halloween is often a favorite holiday for kids. The Spirit of Valentines Day - Valentine's Day is a wonderful reminder to express our love. How To Make Your Dreams Come True In Easy Steps - Learn how to enjoy and increase your quality of life and make your dreams come true. more... |