A movement is Replacing New Years Resolutions and Its Working for Those Willing to Give It a Try - A lot of guilt is attached to the never-achieved New Year's resolutions. Baby Shower Party Planning Ideas for a Successful Event - If you have ever been to a baby shower you know that the focus of the shower is to lavish the mother to be with gifts that will help her care for her child. A Recipe for Manifesting Your Desires - If you want to change your life you must start by changing how you think. Living on automatic pilot - This article suggests five things that you can do to get off "automatic pilot" and make a change in your life. How To Live To Your Full Potential - We all want to live life to our fullest potential. Enjoy Those Moments Of Spontaneity Part - embracing spontaneity. Getting in to Patchwork Making - Introduction:. Easy Steps to Wedding Guides The Do It Yourself Wedding Program Guide - Planning to create your own wedding program? This is a great way to save money and easy to do on a computer. A Positive SelfImage - Discover what makes you unique. A Quick and Easy Fathers Day Craft for Kids - If youve got younger children, theres little doubt that youre looking for some quick and easy Fathers Day crafts to do with your kids.