Compulsive Gamblers Journey To Day One Stop Gambling

Its day one and this was the most exciting day in Justin's life. He made the choice to stop gambling. It's been a long exhausting journey that he thought would never end. His journey towards self destruction began five years ago. A simple few bets cost him his future financial freedom. He lost all of his retirement money and all of his savings.

The only things left in his life were his wife, two kids and a dog. He was just about to lose his job due to poor attendance and performance. He was at bottom with no where to turn. His wife had also been emotionally distraught due to his lies, disappearance, lack of interest in the kids and their personal intimacy.

No one was really very happy at this point in time. Justin's wife realized he had a problem a year earlier and she didn't know what to do. She contacted various programs through the internet and then found I Stopped Gambling So Can You website. There she began to educate herself on gambling addiction.

At the website she found something for everyone. She showed the site to friends and family and finally her husband. Justin read through the manual and found out he could relate to it. He remembered how many times he wanted to stop gambling, but couldn't stop.

He even thought about going to a Gamblers Anonymous meeting because he heard a lot of good things about them. He finally decided that the I Stopped So Can You website was going to help him stop gambling. On day one he had a lot of thoughts running through his mind.

He remembers that first morning when he woke up and realized how gambling had controlled his life for way to long. He was not going to allow this anymore. He was nervous because he remembered all the other futile attempts at stopping. This time was different. He had a calm feeling about the direction he wanted to take his life and he was now in control of his destiny. His goal was to take one day at a time.

This will help him to succeed in his quest to stop gambling. Day one Justin changed the direction of his life for the better. He will always remember that this is his life and there's no reason to spend his hard earned money on gambling. Gambling was a self destructive part of my past.

In one day Justin accepted his situation, made a plan and followed through. He believes that his life for the first time in five years is headed in the right direction. Congratulations Justin on day one!.

For more information on gambling addiction and stop gambling you can check out

Stop Gambling Addiction website has the useful resources and links on how to stop gambling.


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