Some Information on Your Babies Bash and Baby Game ShowerThe baby bash depends on the age of the baby. For one year olds, clowns would do so that he or she can facilitate the party since the most important guests would be the little children. Magic shows and puppetry would be sufficient to keep the children interested and satisfied. While for two years old and older, since by this time, they are already mobile and have learned to walk, a costume party or an amusement park theme would be the solution to keep the kids happy, balloons to keep them preoccupied, cotton candy to keep them busy and lots and lots of kiddie food. Sometimes, a baby bash becomes an adult get-together when there are no other babies that could be invited. But try to have other babies around to keep the atmosphere on a baby bash. Whatever you have decided what the baby bash must be like, keep in mind that the baby's comfort is more important. Sometimes, there are babies who are afraid of clowns. You must have an alternative activity in mind in case this happens. A baby shower How do we play these baby game showers? Here is the run-down on how to play the baby game shower and create good memories of a great baby shower. In Sing It, Baby!, the guests participants form a circle. They can sit or stand. Then, each guest must sing a line or two from a song that has the word "baby" in it. When the first game player has finished, the next person seated on her right has ten seconds to sing another "baby" song. "Baby" songs cannot be repeated, thus, participants who repeat a song or cannot think of a "baby" song gets booted out of the game. Last person singing in this baby game shower wins the prize! A baby game shower makes you NOT say what you are suppose to be attending to! The game Don't Say Baby is precisely that! Don't say "baby" during the entire length of the baby game shower for the diaper pin that was given to you upon your arrival will be taken away from you. The person with the most number of diaper pins collected at the end of the shower party wins a prize. The online unique article weblog provides more information and tips on Home and Family Matters. Visit for more info. Retirement Think Outside The Box Take The Time To Look Up - Think outside the box. Optimism vs Pessimism Power and Locus of Control Belongs to the Optimist - Optimists have hope and they believe in something better. Making Halloween Parties Fun for Kids - Halloween is often a favorite holiday for kids. The Spirit of Valentines Day - Valentine's Day is a wonderful reminder to express our love. How To Make Your Dreams Come True In Easy Steps - Learn how to enjoy and increase your quality of life and make your dreams come true. more... |