Teething Troubles How To CopeGenerally, the two bottom front teeth (central incisors) are the first to appear. About one to two months later, the four upper teeth (central and lateral incisors) will become visible. Then, the lower incisors, first molars, and the canine or eye teeth will follow. Unfortunately, most babies experience some degree of discomfort during the teething process. Most often its mild and includes irritability, crying, low-grade temperature, excessive drooling, and a need to chew on something hard. The gums around the new teeth will also appear somewhat swollen and inflamed. Cold teething rings made of firm rubber can help ease the pain, as well as massaging your babys gums with your finger. Even a cool, wet washcloth to chew on can give relief. In the vast majority of babies, topical or oral pain relievers are simply not necessary for teething pain. If your child has more than a very low-grade fever, most likely its not teething and is most likely a virus or other type of infection. Consult with your paediatrician or health care advisor if your baby seems to be in a great deal of teething pain or develops a high fever. Its important to remember that proper dental care begins when your babys first tooth appears. Brush them daily with a soft childs toothbrush or a piece of gauze. To prevent dental decay, never let your baby fall asleep with a bottle of milk or juice. These liquids can pool in the mouth and can greatly increase the chance of early cavity development. Julian Hall of GiftBabies.co.uk - The Baby Christening Gifts Company - The Most Unique, Innovative Gift Ideas for Babies, Christening Gifts, Newborn Gifts, Personalised Gifts, Organic Clothing, Nappies, Blankets, New Baby Gifts Retirement Think Outside The Box Take The Time To Look Up - Think outside the box. Optimism vs Pessimism Power and Locus of Control Belongs to the Optimist - Optimists have hope and they believe in something better. Making Halloween Parties Fun for Kids - Halloween is often a favorite holiday for kids. The Spirit of Valentines Day - Valentine's Day is a wonderful reminder to express our love. How To Make Your Dreams Come True In Easy Steps - Learn how to enjoy and increase your quality of life and make your dreams come true. more... |